Forum Africa 2009
Forum Africa 2009 was honoured by the presence of a most distinguished speaker, former President of Mali and of the Commission of the African Union Alpha Oumar Konaré. Mr. Konaré seized the opportunity to talk about the unification of Africa, and spoke in favour of a federation of African states. During his speech, he emphasized that a united African continent would be able to carry its weight and make its voice heard economically and politically on the world stage.
Another noteworthy guest at Forum 2009 was Canada’s Minister of International Trade and Foreign Affairs Pierre Pettigrew. Mr. Pettigrew reminded participants of Canada’s credibility on the world stage and of the good relations it has maintained with Africa since 1945. He stated that Canada needed to keep up its efforts in order to maintain its privileged standing in Africa.
Another noteworthy guest at Forum 2009 was Canada’s Minister of International Trade and Foreign Affairs Pierre Pettigrew. Mr. Pettigrew reminded participants of Canada’s credibility on the world stage and of the good relations it has maintained with Africa since 1945. He stated that Canada needed to keep up its efforts in order to maintain its privileged standing in Africa.
Forum Africa 2007
Forum Africa 2007 marked the launch of the “Featured Nation” program. Cameroon was the first country to be selected. Public officials and business people took to the spotlight in order to promote the benefits of investing in the West African nation.
Forum Africa 2005 et 2003
The first two editions of Forum Africa laid the groundwork for the gathering’s reputation as a showcase for investment opportunities in Africa. The 2003 and 2005 meetings look modest in hindsight, but they brought together more than 200 people. At the time, organizers sought to present an African “vision” of partnerships with developed countries based on NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa’s Development).